It's free to try this with our 7 day no obligation trial. We put your BMI and personal targets into your food diary - all you do is start recording what you eat and drink. Nutracheck offers an online food diary service, where we take your BMI figure and other details, and work out how many calories you need to eat each day in order to lose weight. One of the most successful ways to manage your diet and lose weight is to keep a food diary. If your BMI calculation is over 25, then losing weight would significantly improve your health. If your BMI is over 40, you are very obese. If your BMI is between 30 - 39.9, you are obese If your BMI is between 25 - 29.9, you are overweight for your height. This calculator should only be used by adults (pregnant or lactating women should not rely on these BMI readings), and no action should be taken based on its values other than to consult a suitably qualified person such as a doctor.

The result helps you understand if your BMI corresponds to a healthy range. If your BMI is between 18.5 - 24.9, you are an ideal weight for your height. The BMI tool takes your weight and divides the figure by the square of your height. If your BMI is less than 18.4, you are underweight for your height. The BMI weight ranges, as set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO), are outlined below. Your BMI calculation vrs recommended BMI chart Also BMI is not accurate for people who are frail due to illness and muscle loss, or pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you are very sporty or muscular you may find that you fall into the 'overweight' classification on this BMI calculator for Women (as muscle weighs more than fat), when in fact you are healthy and have very little body fat. Remember - it is only a basic guide (which does not take account of your body composition). If the weight exceeds the normal weight range, weight loss is good for health, appearance, and life perception.BMI or Body Mass Index is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Those who know their normal weight range may undertake necessary preventive measures against conditions related to thinness or excessive weight. Genetic particularities, poor fetal metabolism, low birth weight, bad maternal nutrition, insufficient breastfeeding, low physical activity and wrong diets in childhood may exert detrimental effect upon normal weight range. In children and infants some factors may contribute to aberrations from normal weight range. Deviations from normal weight range may result in hypertension, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.Īmong the factors that affect normal weight range are disparities between food intake and energy expenditure. Persons beyond the normal weight range have higher risk of problems associated with abnormal weight. Normal weight range values cannot be applied directly to children, teenagers, pregnant women and athletes.

There are some particularities for practical application of normal weight range. Increased body weight may result from massive muscular growth such as in bodybuilders.

Normal weight range may be lower for Asians and sometimes for women. Slim men are at the top of the normal weight range. Slender women usually are at the lower limit of the normal weight range. Normal weight range is applicable to men and women. For adults the normal weight range is the same in all age groups.